Burning will No.2, Copperpalte 100X150cm 2015

The shining of will,Copperplate150x100cm 2019

Littery wood,weeds and burning above village No.1,Copperplate 150X100cm 2014

Who brought me hereNo.2 ,Copperplate 150x100cm 2012

The weeds in the morning , Copperplate 50X70cm 2015

Escape NO.2 ,Copperplate 50X75cm 2015

Then where No.4 , Copperplate 45x50cm 2010

Protrait,Copperplate 50x65cm 2015

Who brought me here No.3,Copperplate 150x100cm 2012

Littery wood,weeds and burning above village No.2,Copperplate 150X100cm 2014

Smoke and Fire,Copperplate 50X65cm 2014

Blue lawn,Copperplate 75x50cm 2014

Escape, Copperplate 50X72cm 2015

Burning will No.3,Copperplate 100X150cm 2015

Then where No.3,Copperplate 70x50cm 2010